February 27, 2023 to March 2, 2023
Europe/Oslo timezone


For presenters

Talks: the aspect ratio of the projector is 16:9, so be sure to adjust your slide format if you want to make the most of the space. You can present from your own laptop, ideally via HDMI.

Posters: the poster boards are 124 cm wide and 88 cm tall. They can fit the typical A0 poster only in landscape format, not portrait. If your poster is vertical, it must not exceed 88 cm, otherwise the remaining will be hanging in the air. All posters will be displayed during the entire workshop.

Editing your abstract: when logged in with your Indico account (see below), you should see an additional link in the left menu called "My conference", with a sub-item "My contributions". The abstract and other details of your contribution should appear there. If you need to make any changes or would like to upload materials (e.g. slides or pdf version of poster), this can be done in the page of your contribution page by clicking the pencil icon (top right corner). If you see no pencil icon and are logged in, it may not have registered your account correctly, please email us.

Indico account

To submit an abstract and register you will need to first create an Indico account. This account will be specific to rocmi.no, so you need a new account even if you have registered in another Indico site before. 

Important: you will need to verify your email to complete the registration process. If you don't get a confirmation email after a few minutes, it is likely in your spam folder, so please check it. It is also important that you register your Indico account with the same email that you want to associate with your registration and abstract. Using a different email will lead to permission problems. 

Abstract submission

Abstracts are limited to 250 words. Please add the speaker or presenter as first author. Be sure to add your own name with "Add myself" and not "Enter manually". If you enter manually, your abstract may not be linked with your Indico account and this will cause problems later on (e.g. you will not be allowed to change your abstract or add materials).

When adding multiple authors, if your co-authors have Indico accounts, you should be able to add them by searching for their name (preferred). Otherwise, you will need to add them manually, which will likely mean they will not be able to edit the abstract or upload materials for this contribution.


After you submit an abstract, please pre-register for the meeting. Pre-registration is non-binding and will help us get a better idea on the number of interested participants. Your pre-registration will be converted to a full registration only after the following:

  1. Your abstract is selected by the SOC
  2. You have paid the registration fee and the hotel

You will be notified if your abstract was selected by Nov 15, 2022. At that time, you will be given instructions on how to proceed with the payment.